The Blog

Update on Schoolinakit

Many of you know that I have been working on developing a Schoolinkit – packaging the components you need to start a micro-blended learning school, in theory, anywhere in the world.  I was gratified to receive a shout out from Tom Vander Ark as # 13 on his list of top impact players at SXSW

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The Next Generation’s Freedom

This time each year my sister-in-law hosts a Passover Seder. In her family’s version of the Haggadah – the Seder ceremony — there are several passages that hold great meaning to me: In every age, some new freedom is won and established, adding to the advancement of human happiness and security. Each generation is duty-bound

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Lessons from Starbucks

Most mornings I stop at my neighborhood Starbucks and order “my” drink: decaf-grande-nonfat-skinny no-whip-mocha. Sometimes, out of curiosity, I listen to others order “their” individualized drinks: a caramel macchiato with two shots of espresso, a skinny vanilla latte – no foam, or a pumpkin spice latte with three Splendas. The well-trained baristas work the Starbucks

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Blended Learning: Making a Teacher’s Job Easier and More Effective

Recently I participated as a member of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Assessment Panel, joining assessment experts in reviewing about 300 applications. I was struck by the large number of schools that listed “differentiated instruction” and “targeted student interventions” as keys to successful reading and math achievement outcomes. Imagine that you are a dedicated teacher

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Pragmatic Education: My Personal Journey to a Common-Sense Approach to Learning

After 36 years as an educator, visits to 500 of the best public and private schools in the nation, a Ph.D. in education from Stanford University, and taking part in the development of seven schools, I would like to share my philosophy of education, which in 1988 I termed “pragmatic education.” This is a clarion

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Marina’s First Blog Post

Hello, Welcome to! Please bear with us as we are still under construction and in beta mode. Please email via the Contact Us form if you have any issues with the site. Thanks, Marina B. Walne, Ph.D.

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